Who is the service available to?
The service will be available to all members of the Traveller community who are over the age of 18 years; the exception to this rule will be where a family come together for counselling and have children with them who are under 18 years. Members of the settled community who are in relationships with members of the Traveller community are also entitled to use this service.
Counselling will be available to people who have problems with alcohol and drugs but the service will only see clients who have gone through a detox program and are not actively engaging in substance misuse. People will be seen who are on a maintenance programme or are on prescribed medication.
“As manager of the organisation, I have seen the impact since the local counselling service was set up some years now. The taboo that Travellers always had in relation to counselling is no longer there.”
(Jim O’Brien, Manager, Bray Traveller’s Community Development Group Ltd.)