Useful Links

- SAFE Ireland
- National Traveller Mental Health Network
- Sonas Housing Association
- Dial to Stop Drug Dealing
- Drug Rehab.com
- Samaritans
- Traveller MABS
- Garda
- Women’s Aid
- Legal Aid Board
- Rape Crisis Centre (RCC)
- Elderly Abuse Helpline
- Amen (for men)
- Move Ireland (for men)
- Alcolohics Anonymous
- Childline
- Traveller Mediation Service
- Al Anon (to help families of alcoholics)
- CARI (Child Sexual Abuse)
- Aware (Depression)
- Pavee Point Travellers Centre
- National Traveller Women’s Forum
- Traveller Suicide Awareness Project
- Irish Traveller Movement
- Exchange House
- Gamblers Anonymous
- LGBT Pavee
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