What happens in counselling?
In the Traveller Counselling Service, the counselling and psychotherapy services that are available provide ways that people can learn to help themselves by talking about their issues or problems with a qualified and trained counsellor. At your first appointment you will discuss with the counsellor the issues that are concerning you and at the end of this session you will make a decision as to whether to proceed with counselling. If you decide to continue with counselling, you will decide with the counsellor when would suit for your next appointment. It is usual for a client to attend on a weekly basis at the same time each week but this can be a flexible agreement between the counsellor and the client.
The counsellor offers a non-judgmental relationship in which the client can talk about and explore the issues that are impacting on them. Sometimes just to say what is bothering you to someone else can help, but with the support of a counsellor, clients are assisted in finding their own solutions to their problems, which may often seem overwhelming when they are carrying the burden of their problems alone.